Shipping Rate

  1. 1 to 7 working days are required for delivery of goods to arrive (excluding non-working days).
  2. It is secure compared to Normal Post as receipient are required to sign for parcel / package upon receiving.
  3. Location of the parcel / package and posting date can be tracked using POS Malaysia Tracking System.
  4. POS Laju shipping fee:

Weight (in gram) Sarawak (RM) Sabah (RM) West (RM)
0-500 8.6 9.3 5.95
501-750 10.6 11.95 7.3
751-1000 12.6 14.6 8.6
1001-1250 14.6 17.25 9.95
1251-1500 16.55 19.90 11.25
1501 - 1750 18.55 22.55 12.6
1751 - 2000 20.55 25.20 13.9
2001 - 2500 34.45 41.10 21.2
2501 - 3000 39.10 46.40 23.85
3001 - 3500 43.75 51.70 26.5
3501 - 4000 48.35 57.00 29.2
4001 - 4500 53.00 62.30 31.8
4501 - 5000 57.65 67.60 34.5
5001 - 5500 62.30 72.90 37.1
5501 - 6000 66.90 78.20 39.8
6001 - 6500 71.55 83.50 42.4
6501 - 7000 76.20 88.80 45.05
7001 - 7500 80.85 94.10 47.7
7501 - 8000 85.45 99.40 50.4
8001 - 8500 90.10 104.70 53
8501 - 9000 94.75 110.00 55.65
9001 - 9500 99.40 115.30 58.3
9501 - 10000 104.00 120.6 60.95

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